
product description
Product: LGD-3303
CAS RN: 917891-35-1
Molecular Formula:
Formula Weight:3 342.74
Physical Characters and Index
Name: LGD-3303
CAS number: 917891-35-1
Molecular formula: C16H14ClF3N2O
Molecular weight: 342.74
EINECS No.: 917891-350-1
Use and description
LGD 3303 is a type of SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), which work similarly to steroids, medically known as anabolic-androgenic steroids. Anabolic refers to building muscle form using protein and nutrients. Although it is not the most well-known and perhaps not the most popular, it is thought that throughout more widely spread information the demand will only rise. SARMs were first invented in the late 1990’s as performance enhancing agents.