
product description
Product: Tesofensine
CAS RN: 402856-42-2
Molecular Formula:
Formula Weight:3 /
Physical Characters and Index
Product Name:Tesofensine
Molecular Formula:C17H23NCl2O
Molecular Weight:/
Appearance:Off-White to Light Yellow Sticky Powder
Storage conditions:Hygroscopic, -20°C Freezer, Under inert atmosphere
Use and description
Tesofensine is a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor originally developed for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Chemicalbook According to a report by researchers at the 16th European Obesity Conference, Tesofensine helps obese patients lose weight and lose weight from the right part of their body and from the right composition (fat).