
product description
Product: Nitazoxanide
CAS RN: 55981-09-4
Molecular Formula:
Formula Weight:3 307.28
Physical Characters and Index
Product Name:Nitazoxanide
Molecular Formula:C12H9N3O5S
Molecular Weight:307.28
Appearance:off-white powder.
Melting point:202°C
Storage conditions:2-8°C
Use and description
Nitazoxanide (NT Z) has been approved as an orphan drug for the treatment of diarrhea in children (age, 1-11 years) and is associated with giardiasis, but it also is approved for diarrhea caused by crytosporidiosis in patients with AIDS. Crytosporidiosis is a protozoal infection caused by Cryptosporidi um parvum. The condition is uncommon in healthy individuals but can be life-threatening in immunosuppressed patients and those with HIV infections.